In Memory of Life: So, today was definitely a keeper...

Thursday, September 20, 2007

So, today was definitely a keeper...

Truly, it was. After a long day, burned arms, tense neck, 13 hours of being in school, and being sick in the midst of it all, I was blessed.

I was actually able to reconnect with old friends, catch glimpses of the faces of close friends, meet new friends, and grow. At least in some confident sense.

What had me most was an email I had never expected to get. Anyways, to make a long story short. It showed me that truly, God is never going to let you suffer, for what He doesn't intend to repay.

On that note, my week was way too long. Tomorrow will be long too, unfortunately. Anyways, I'd write more, but I'm really tired, so I won't.

Lord, tonight, after a day like this, I can only be thankful that, even in my hardest times, you show me love. With the people, the support, the fearlessness you've given me to carry on, I know I will continue to praise you. I want to thank you for the people I've had a chance to reconnect with today. I hadn't really noticed how, in every single one of my friends, lies a continual support and hope bourne of you, and Lord, I just want to make this prayer tonight, my own. After the stresses, the pains, the hurts, the loneliness, you've given me people who care more about me than I ever could imagine. And so, with this prayer as my own, I call out to you Lord, that you never let me go. Lord, your love, is a shadow; it covers me and leads me on in a safety - your love. Lord, I never want to lose your love, so I promise that with all you've given me today, I will forever praise your mercy, I will forever give my all.


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