What is it that makes walking down memory lane so amazing? Simple. We learn things, things that we may have forgotten, things that we needed a more mature perspective to see, or things that we just needed to be reminded of. Today, I was doing an errand for my mom, when I found a little workbook from way back when. On the cover, is a picture coloured in in crayon in a collection of random colours, the picture coloured by an awkward 7 year old boy, before his first Confession.
As I flip through the pages of this book, I'm reminded of all the times I had as a child, that I recorded, and all those things I've done wrong. Many things come from this little book, and I'm thankful that I found it once again.
On the inside cover, the first thing you notice is the little smiles inside the "O"s and the whole framing scheme of the text there, that reads "Isn't it great that God loves us so much!"
A couple of pages later, there is a picture of a circle of friends, and inside the circle are the words "We are one big happy family!"
A page after that is where I stop reading, because it hit me so hard, how what I learned back then was really that important to what I know now. The story that I found on this page is as follows.
One day, a man asked Jesus
"Teacher, which law is the greatest?"
Jesus told him the following,
"There are two; first, love God with
all your heart, soul, mind
and strength.
Second, love your neighbour as yourself.
Upon these, everything depends."
I know this comes from the bible. But even still, finding it in this context means so much more. Looking on the other side of the page, there was an activity, as simple as it sounds, that was just a fill in the blank thing. All the words are used, except for love. I remember doing this book in class, having fun, talking to my peers and classmates about it. I didn't at the time, think about the things I do now, when I read something like this. I guess though, that what this means is, that I'm growing up, that reading it with so much value, means we're simply growing. I personally find myself, wondering how stupid I'm sounding right now. But I know that, no matter how many things just go up and down for me, I know that it's this love, which is to be at the center of it all.