In Memory of Life: Claiming knowledge as our own.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Claiming knowledge as our own.

As a Philosophy Specialist, I come across many faith testing questions, like "are you sure?" and "how do you know?"

Often, it has to do with my faith. People ask why I care so much about God, how I know He exists, what makes me so sure.

All I have to say is this - faith is a different kind of knowledge, it's one that you claim for yourself.

This is part of what I was saying yesterday, about conviction. It's about knowing for yourself that God is there for you. You don't have to justify it by any means, to anyone but you. But that, I think, is too hard for a lot of people to understand.

I think that people who are skeptical don't have anything to be committed to, and those that listen without understanding are the ones who give in too easily. The thing I think I personally aim for as a philosopher, is wisdom, and as a follower of Christ, understanding.

My one prayer for people is that they find wisdom, and understanding, in the conviction and the things that they work for.


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