In Memory of Life: Three Days

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Three Days

Sometimes, that's all it takes to change your perspective entirely. In three days, what have I done?

I've done a lot to change myself as a person. I ended up finding out that my passion for poetry is not only a deep rooted love, but a desire to find in my faith a comforter in a voice different from my own. I ended up discovering the type of son I am, and recommitted myself to the love of God and parents. I ended up seeing through learning to play guitar, that practice in life is painful, but I will get the hang of things, if not sooner, then later. All this, in three days.

More then that is the music I've fallen in love with. The song now playing is a song called "Complete" by the Parachute Band. This song's lyrics fills me with such hope, because, and listen to it, the chorus says "Then I'll see beyond my Calvary one day, And I will be complete in you."

I want to find that perfect completion in God's own love. I want to see beyond all the temptations, the trials, the sins, the lies, the deception. I want to find that light in God's love that breaks through all of that, that will make me complete.

So today, as I sit here writing this at such a bad time, I pray that one day, I will be complete and with God.


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